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A taste of wine - a touch of heritage

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Kratki opisvidea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Kratki opisvidea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Kratki opisvidea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Kratki opisvidea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Kratki opisvidea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Region Description:
  • Grad Jastrebarsko smješten je u jugozapadnom dijelu Zagrebačke županije, na pola puta između Zagreba i Karlovca. Popularno se naziva Jaska, a njegovi stanovnici Jaskanci i Jaskanke.

    Najznačajnije je vinogradarsko područje središnje Hrvatske, te važno gospodarsko, obrtničko i turističko mjesto. Stara i plemenita naselja Grada Jastrebarskog dočekuju putnika namjernika ljepotom svojih bijelih i živopisnih nošnji, blagom svojih baroknih crkava, ukusnim zalogajem i proslavljenom dobrom kapljicom.

    Ako je ponosna ptica jastreb prvi zaštitni znak ovog grada, drugi je njegov simbol svakako zeleni list vinove loze, koja je već stoljećima srasla s osunčanim padinama i obroncima Plešivice, ’’lijepe djevojke s plavom kudravom kosom, čija glava počiva u kamenom krilu Okić grada’’ (Vlado Vlaisavljević).

    Izvor: Grad Jastrebarsko


    Jastrebarsko is located in the southwestern part of Zagreb County, halfway between Zagreb and Karlovac. Its popular name is Jaska, and its inhabitants are referred to as Jaskanians.

    It is the most important wine-growing region of central Croatia, and an important economic, craft, and tourist place. Visitors of the old settlements of Jastrebarsko are attracted by the vivid white folk costumes, the beauty of the Baroque churches, tasty dishes, and famed wines.

    The proud goshawk is the town's main symbol, and another of its symbols is definitely the leaf of grapevine, which over the centuries became deeply rooted in the sunny slopes of the Plešivica hill, or as the local poet Vlado Vlaisavljević described it ''a beautiful girl with a blue curly hair, resting her head in the stone lap of the Okić cliff''.

    Source: The Town of Jastrebarsko


    Mesto Jastrebarsko leži v jugozahodnem delu Zagrebške županije, na pol poti med Zagrebom in Karlovcem. Popularno se imenuje tudi »Jaska«, njeni prebivalci pa so »Jaskanci« in »Jaskanke«.

    Je najpomembnejše vinogradniško območje osrednje Hrvaške ter pomembno gospodarsko, obrtniško in turistično mesto. Stara in plemenita naselja Mesta Jastrebarskega popotnika pričakajo z lepoto svojih belih in barvitih noš, zakladom svojih baročnih cerkev, okusnim prigrizkom in proslavljeno dobro kapljico.

    Če je ponosna ptica jastreb prvi zaščitni znak tega mesta, je njegov drugi simbol vsekakor zelen list trte, ki že stoletja raste prepleten s prisojnimi pobočji in obronki Plešivice, »lepega dekleta s svetlimi kodrastimi lasmi, katerega glava počiva v kamnitem naročju Okić grada« (Vlado Vlaisavljević).

    Vir: Mesto Jastrebarsko


    Die Stadt Jastrebarsko befindet sich im südwestlichen Teil der Zagreber Gespanschaft, auf halbem Weg zwischen Zagreb und Karlovac. Sie wird auch Jaska genannt und ihre Einwohner sind die Jaskaner.

    Die Stadt ist die wichtigste Weinbauregion Zentralkroatiens, sowie ein wichtiger Ort für Wirtschaft, Handwerkschaft und Tourismus. Die alten Dörfer um die Stadt Jastrebarsko empfangen die Gäste mit der Pracht ihrer weiß leuchtenden Trachten, den Schönheiten ihrer Barockkirchen, schmackhaften Speisen und berühmte Weine.

    Während der stolze Habicht das historische Wahrzeichen ist, gilt das grüne Weinblatt als weiteres Symbol der Stadt. Der Wein gedeiht schon seit Jahrhunderten auf den sonnigen Hügeln und Hängen des Berges Plešivica, den Vlado Vlaisavljević mit den Worten beschrieben hat: „ein schönes Mädchen mit lockigem. blauschwarzen Haar, dessen Kopf im steinernen Schoß der Festung von Okić ruht“.

    Quelle: Stadt Jastrebarsko

  • images/ICV/Region/Jastrebarsko/Culture/dvorac-i-park-erdody/002__Dvorac_i_park_Erdody.jpg
  • images/ICV/Region/Jastrebarsko/Culture/gradski-muzej-i-galerija-jastrebarsko/012_Muzej_i_galerija_Jastrebarsko.jpg
  • images/ICV/Region/Jastrebarsko/Culture/franjevacki-samostan-i-crkva/003samostan.jpg
  • images/ICV/Region/Jastrebarsko/Culture/dvorac-i-park-erdody/006_Dvorac_i_park_Erdody.jpg
  • images/ICV/Region/Jastrebarsko/Wine/opg-danijel-golubic/007Golubic.jpg
  • images/ICV/Region/Jastrebarsko/Legend/znameniti-jaskanci/Znameniti Jaskanci.jpg
  • images/ICV/Region/Jastrebarsko/Legend/skitnica-u-jastrebarskom/Skitnica u Jastrebarskom.jpg

Grad Jastrebarsko smješten je u jugozapadnom dijelu Zagrebačke županije, na pola puta između Zagreba i Karlovca. Popularno se naziva Jaska, a njegovi stanovnici Jaskanci i Jaskanke.

Najznačajnije je vinogradarsko područje središnje Hrvatske, te važno gospodarsko, obrtničko i turističko mjesto. Stara i plemenita naselja Grada Jastrebarskog dočekuju putnika namjernika ljepotom svojih bijelih i živopisnih nošnji, blagom svojih baroknih crkava, ukusnim zalogajem i proslavljenom dobrom kapljicom.

Ako je ponosna ptica jastreb prvi zaštitni znak ovog grada, drugi je njegov simbol svakako zeleni list vinove loze, koja je već stoljećima srasla s osunčanim padinama i obroncima Plešivice, ’’lijepe djevojke s plavom kudravom kosom, čija glava počiva u kamenom krilu Okić grada’’ (Vlado Vlaisavljević).

Izvor: Grad Jastrebarsko

Map of the area

Click on one of the yellow areas on the map and have a pleasant journey!

Here lies the best way to tasting wines, just select the wine route you want to embark on...

Visit the beautiful vineyards and let yourself be captivated by the wide range of red, white, and sparkling wines. Taste the plenitude of food, which will take you in a journey to the past and lead you through the abundance of local delicacies.

Enjoy the serenity of the beautiful nature: take a walk through parks, hills, caves, paths, etc. Take a sneak peek into the culture and tradition of this area – take a virtual tour of the museums and find out just which secrets they keep!

Do not miss out on the stories about the area's glorious history, interesting facts from the lives of famous persons, and legends passed down from one generation to another.

Now lace up your boots and visit the wine routes!

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Map of the area
Šmarje pri Jelšah
Rogaška Slatina
Sv. Ivan Zelina
Cultural heritage
Attractions and legends
Cultural heritage
Attractions and legends
For any other information, please contact us at
Croatia i.rendulic@zagrebacka-zupanija.hr
Slovenia anita.sotla@siol.net
Technical support support@inculturaveritas.eu
About project
The idea for the project In cultura veritas emerged as a result of recognizing mutual need for cultural tourism revival in the cross-border area between Croatia and Slovenia. During the project preparation, in the cross-border area between Zagreb county (Croatia) and sub-regions of Obsotelje and Kozjansko (Slovenia) around 80 cultural heritage objects were identified along nearly 200 kilometers of wine roads. Wine tradition is an important element of this area's culture while objects and customs in relation to wine production represent common part of the local museums' exhibitions. Tourism development trends in Europe and worldwide imply growing interest for tourism products and services connected to wine production and local cultural heritage. This connection has been missing in the cross-border area between Zagreb County and subregions of Obsotelje and Kozjansko, which leads to degradation of cultural heritage objects, weak stakeholder collaboration, insignificant tourism arrivals and generally insufficient economic activities. Project partners have approached the project idea in order to eliminate identified problems and improve utilisation of the key tourism potentials in the cross border area for long-term contribution to sustainable economic and social development. The project has been offcially approved in June, 2018 and the project implementation started on 1 August, 2018.
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